Friday, October 29, 2010

The Angelina Jolie diet

I call this the Angelina Jolie diet, because my husband and I have each lost the equivalent weight of Angelina Jolie. About 50 kilos or 120 lbs.

This is my blog.

It (the weight loss) started awfully enough, my husband got sick, had diabetes and had to go on an immediate diet.  I too had diabetes although neither of us were aware of that at the time.  We knew we were overweight, but … well there is no buts.

This is how we lost the weight, one mouthful at a time. 
I am not saying it was easy, I am saying that if we can do it, you can too.

Firstly, it didn’t happen overnight, it happened gradually.  There will be only a few things to remember or do at any time.

Day one.
This is day one, record the date, today’s date.  Write it down.

Next, take a photo – the very best before photo you can possibly have. You don’t want one of those candid photos of you wearing horrid clothes, with a mouth open about to eat something, or some other nasty before photo. Make it a nice before photo in your best favourite clothes.  Do it today.

Third thing is make an appointment with your doctor. Why you ask. Well I’ll tell you.  I found out about the diabetes accidentally, and I had started the diabetic diet with my husband.  That is restricting carbohydrates (& sugars) and going low fat.

Now that you have these things done, you have officially started. So what do you do now.

Your long term aim is to reduce sugars/carbohydrates and fat in your diet, starting today.

  • Start with HALF the bad food (high kilojoule/calories or fat).
  • No seconds, no exceptions.
  • Limit of one to two serves of carbohydrates (about 20g) per meal.

Stay tuned for more details coming soon.

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